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Rates / Resources

The latest interest rate information available is proactively implemented (in an ongoing basis) into the latest version of Lynchval software. Each month the IRS and the PBGC provide various prescribed rates for federal income tax purposes and valuing lump sum payments. Lynchval uses these sources listed below to create the intrates.tbl file that is read by LVwin and LVindiv. Commonly used interest rates and IRS dollar limits are published on the Lynchval website monthly. (The IRS has not released an updated composite corporate bond rate since December 2017).

Annual Dollar Limits (1987 - 2025) (11/26/2024)
Monthly Single Interest Rates (1/29/2025)
Monthly Segment Interest Rates (1/29/2025)
Monthly Corporate Bond Yield Curve (1/29/2025)

Additional information on interest rates can be found by accessing the following government websites.

PBGC Rates PBGC rates published by the PBGC: (Lump Sums)

GATT Rates GATT rates published by the Federal Reserve:

PPA segment rates published by the PBGC:

AFR Rates AFR rates published by the Internal Revenue Service:

Interest Rates Table

If you wish to use this file, download it to your "LVwin\LF95OBJ" folder and/or "LVindiv" base folder. If you have custom rates defined at the bottom of your old Intrates.tbl make sure not to overwrite it! (The IRS has not released an updated composite corporate bond rate since December 2017. Rates after then are set equal to the most recently released rate.) (1/28/2025) - Download

Rate Library

Latest RatLib includes the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 required mortality tables recently published by the IRS.
Also includes the IRS versions of the PRI-2021 Private Retirement Plans Mortality Tables from the IRS Exposure Draft for 2023 and 2024 required generational mortality tables recently published by the IRS.
Also includes the Scale 2D tables (BB-2D, MP-2014, MP-2015, MP-2016, MP-2017, MP-2018, MP-2019, MP-2020 and MP-2021). These tables should not be used in a release prior to 13.7.
Also includes the RP-2014/RPH-2014 table revisions (blue/white collar and low/high quartile) released by the Society of Actuaries.
Also includes all the RP-2014/RPH-2014 tables with projections removed back to 2006 to be used with the new MP-2015, MP-2016, MP-2017, MP-2018 and etc. projection scales.
Also includes all the PUB-2010 Public Retirement Plans Mortality Tables from the SOA Report (January 2019), including Dollar Weighted and Headcount Weighted, Basic, Above Median and Below Median tables.
Also includes all the PRI-2012 Private Retirement Plans Mortality Tables from the SOA Exposure Draft (May 2019). These Dollar Weighted and Headcount Weighted tables include: Employee, Retiree, Contingent Survivor, Non-Disabled Annuitant and Disabled Annuitant tables. Some of these tables are subdivided into Blue Collar, White Collar, Bottom Quartile and Top Quartile populations. The Dollar Weighted tables are in the range 5442 to 5475 and the Headcount Weighted tables are in the range 5542 to 5575. (02/25/2025) - Download

Regulatory Table 2025

Contains the IRS limits and Social Security Administration's rates. If you wish to use this file, download and extract the file to the following default locations, substitute with custom paths as necessary:

LVwin - "C:\LVwin\LF95OBJ"
LVwin versions pre-13.7 - "C:\LVwin\OBJ"
LVindiv/LVbatch - "C:\LVindiv"
LVadmin Objects - 32-bit - "C:\Program Files\LSCalcObjColl"
LVadmin Objects - 64-bit - "C:\Program Files (x86)\LSCalcObjColl" (updated - 11/25/2024) - Download

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